Source code for interaction.validators

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

[docs]class ValidationError(Exception): """Raised when an error related to the validation is encountered. """
[docs]def validate_ref_point_with_ideal_and_nadir( dimensions_data: pd.DataFrame, reference_point: pd.DataFrame ): validate_ref_point_dimensions(dimensions_data, reference_point) validate_ref_point_data_type(reference_point) validate_ref_point_with_ideal(dimensions_data, reference_point) validate_with_ref_point_nadir(dimensions_data, reference_point)
[docs]def validate_ref_point_with_ideal( dimensions_data: pd.DataFrame, reference_point: pd.DataFrame ): validate_ref_point_dimensions(dimensions_data, reference_point) ideal_fitness = dimensions_data.loc["ideal"] * dimensions_data.loc["minimize"] ref_point_fitness = reference_point * dimensions_data.loc["minimize"] if not (ideal_fitness <= ref_point_fitness).all(axis=None): problematic_columns = ideal_fitness.index[ (ideal_fitness > ref_point_fitness).values.tolist()[0] ].values msg = ( f"Reference point should be worse than or equal to the ideal point\n" f"The following columns have problematic values: {problematic_columns}" ) raise ValidationError(msg)
[docs]def validate_with_ref_point_nadir( dimensions_data: pd.DataFrame, reference_point: pd.DataFrame ): validate_ref_point_dimensions(dimensions_data, reference_point) nadir_fitness = dimensions_data.loc["nadir"] * dimensions_data.loc["minimize"] ref_point_fitness = reference_point * dimensions_data.loc["minimize"] if not (ref_point_fitness <= nadir_fitness).all(axis=None): problematic_columns = nadir_fitness.index[ (nadir_fitness < ref_point_fitness).values.tolist()[0] ].values msg = ( f"Reference point should be better than or equal to the nadir point\n" f"The following columns have problematic values: {problematic_columns}" ) raise ValidationError(msg)
[docs]def validate_ref_point_dimensions( dimensions_data: pd.DataFrame, reference_point: pd.DataFrame ): if not dimensions_data.shape[1] == reference_point.shape[1]: msg = ( f"There is a mismatch in the number of columns of the dataframes.\n" f"Columns in dimensions data: {dimensions_data.columns}\n" f"Columns in the reference point provided: {reference_point.columns}" ) raise ValidationError(msg) if not all(dimensions_data.columns == reference_point.columns): msg = ( f"There is a mismatch in the column names of the dataframes.\n" f"Columns in dimensions data: {dimensions_data.columns}\n" f"Columns in the reference point provided: {reference_point.columns}" ) raise ValidationError(msg)
[docs]def validate_ref_point_data_type(reference_point: pd.DataFrame): for dtype in reference_point.dtypes: if not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(dtype): msg = ( f"Type of data in reference point dataframe should be numeric.\n" f"Provided datatype: {dtype}" ) raise ValidationError(msg)
[docs]def validate_specified_solutions(indices: np.ndarray, n_solutions: int) -> None: """Validate the Decision maker's choice of preferred/non-preferred solutions. Args: indices (np.ndarray): Index/indices of preferred solutions specified by the Decision maker. n_solutions (int): Number of solutions in total. Returns: Raises: ValidationError: In case the preference is invalid. """ if indices.shape[0] < 1: raise ValidationError("Please specify at least one (non-)preferred solution.") if not isinstance(indices, (np.ndarray, list)): raise ValidationError("Please specify index/indices of (non-)preferred solutions in a list, even if there is only " "one.") if not all(0 <= i <= (n_solutions - 1) for i in indices): msg = "indices of (non-)preferred solutions should be between 0 and {}. Current indices are {}." \ .format(n_solutions - 1, indices) raise ValidationError(msg)
[docs]def validate_bounds(dimensions_data: pd.DataFrame, bounds: np.ndarray, n_objectives: int) -> None: """Validate the Decision maker's desired lower and upper bounds for objective values. Args: dimensions_data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame including information whether an objective is minimized or maximized, for each objective. In addition, includes ideal and nadir vectors. bounds (np.ndarray): Desired lower and upper bounds for each objective. n_objectives (int): Number of objectives in problem. Returns: Raises: ValidationError: In case desired bounds are invalid. """ if not isinstance(bounds, np.ndarray): msg = "Please specify bounds as a numpy array. Current type: {}.".format(type(bounds)) raise ValidationError(msg) if len(bounds) != n_objectives: msg = "Length of 'bounds' ({}) must be the same as number of objectives ({}).".format(len(bounds), n_objectives) raise ValidationError(msg) if not all(isinstance(b, (np.ndarray, list)) for b in bounds): print(type(bounds[0])) msg = "Please give bounds for each objective in a list." raise ValidationError(msg) if any(len(b) != 2 for b in bounds): msg = "Length of each item of 'bounds' must 2, containing the lower and upper bound for an objective." raise ValidationError(msg) if any(b[0] > b[1] for b in bounds): msg = "Lower bound cannot be greater than upper bound. Please specify lower bound first, then upper bound." raise ValidationError(msg) # check that bounds are within ideal and nadir points for each objective for i, b in enumerate(bounds): if dimensions_data.loc['minimize'].values.tolist()[i] == 1: # minimized objectives if dimensions_data.loc['ideal'].values.tolist()[i] is not None: if b[0] < dimensions_data.loc['ideal'].values.tolist()[i]: msg = "Lower bound cannot be lower than ideal value for objective. Ideal vector: {}." \ .format(dimensions_data.loc['ideal'].values.tolist()) raise ValidationError(msg) if dimensions_data.loc['nadir'].values.tolist()[i] is not None: if b[1] > dimensions_data.loc['nadir'].values.tolist()[i]: msg = "Upper bound cannot be higher than nadir value for objective. Nadir vector: {}." \ .format(dimensions_data.loc['nadir'].values.tolist()) raise ValidationError(msg) else: # maximized objectives: if dimensions_data.loc['ideal'].values.tolist()[i] is not None: if b[1] > dimensions_data.loc['ideal'].values.tolist()[i]: msg = "Upper bound cannot be higher than ideal value for objective. Ideal vector: {}." \ .format(dimensions_data.loc['ideal'].values.tolist()) raise ValidationError(msg) if dimensions_data.loc['nadir'].values.tolist()[i] is not None: if b[0] < dimensions_data.loc['nadir'].values.tolist()[i]: msg = "Lower bound cannot be lower than nadir value for objective. Nadir vector: {}." \ .format(dimensions_data.loc['nadir'].values.tolist()) raise ValidationError(msg)